Whiz Kid Tech & Organization Services

Do you feel like technology is out to ruin your day? Or your paperwork stack is just too big of a mess to tackle alone? Let me come by and help get life under control. Available for Home and Office Support. Now taking clients who need to get affairs in order.

Minimize Remote Controls

Get your cables sorted


your phone

like a pro

Learn to use your computer like a digital native

New Technology Training: I can show you how to use the latest in technology and keep you up to date on the latest features and functions.

Increased Accessibility: I can work with you to make your devices easier for you to use – vision, hearing, dexterity – let’s overcome these challenges!

Secure Surfing: Use your phone or computer without worrying that someone is stealing your information. I’ll show you how to detect thieves and set up systems to protect yourself.

Digital Literacy: We’ll create training sheets together and by staying connected with me, I’ll be sure to keep you up to date on the latest technologies out there.

Appropriate Technology: Need a shopping buddy? I’ll help you shop for the right technology to fit your needs.

Budget Friendly Solutions: There are many free or affordable technology options for most digital tasks. Let’s find a system that works best for you.

Get your digital & print life in order and rest easy knowing the mess is gone.

Call Elona at Nine Seven One 235 9837 Today or send me a message.